Good to have you here 🍎

I'll include you in the next updates about my journey as a mental health coach in organizations. Between now and then, here is a short list of resources to read/listen/watch, and share with your loved ones.


A small act is worth a million thoughts. – Ai Weiwei, contemporary artist

A. Professional Well-being

Your Mental Health and Your Work (podcast)
Harvard Business Review, The Anxious Achiever
At a time when we bring so much of ourselves to work, mental health is still something we don’t like talking about at the office. But so many high-achieving people have suffered — or are currently suffering — from anxiety, depression, or other mental and emotional issues.

Inclusive Language Guide (list)
Northwestern Univesity, The Family Institute
Definitions and examples of inclusive language which can be applied in the workplace

How to Talk About Mental Health with your Employer (article)
Harvard Business Review
4 strategies to disclose mental health strategies at work

How to Beat Burnout Without Quitting Your Job (article)
New York Times
How to stay sharp and recharge

Why remote employees need extra attention to stay engaged (article)
Employee Benefit News
Keeping remote staff satisfied is not something that comes naturally to most businesses.

B. Trauma

The Body Keeps the Score (book)
Understanding of traumatic stress, revealing how it literally rearranges the brain’s wiring — specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust.

The Wisdom of Trauma (film)
Science & NondualityCan our deepest pain be a doorway to healing?

C. Emotional Well-being

Want to Change Your Life? Try Self-Compassion (article)
University of California Berkeley GGSC
Self-Compassion, releasing judgment, and a self-compassion practice

How to Take a Break (article)
New York TImes
Developing a ‘rest ethic’ can make work time more productive

The Neuroscience of Trust (article)
Harvard Business Review
Ways that managers can cultivate trust and boost engagement